125 lines
4.6 KiB
125 lines
4.6 KiB
using System;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Nuke.Common;
using Nuke.Common.CI;
using Nuke.Common.CI.GitLab;
using Nuke.Common.Execution;
using Nuke.Common.Git;
using Nuke.Common.IO;
using Nuke.Common.ProjectModel;
using Nuke.Common.Tooling;
using Nuke.Common.Tools.DotNet;
using Nuke.Common.Tools.GitVersion;
using Nuke.Common.Utilities.Collections;
using static Nuke.Common.IO.FileSystemTasks;
using static Nuke.Common.Tools.DotNet.DotNetTasks;
class Build : NukeBuild
private const string NuGetSourceName = "GitLab";
public static int Main() => Execute<Build>(x => x.Test);
[Parameter("Configuration to build - Default is 'Debug' (local) or 'Release' (server)")]
readonly Configuration Configuration = IsLocalBuild ? Configuration.Debug : Configuration.Release;
[Parameter("Username to use for publishing NuGet packages", Name = "nuget-username")]
string NuGetUsername { get; } = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NUGET_USERNAME") ?? string.Empty;
[Parameter("Password to use for publishing NuGet packages", Name = "nuget-password")]
string NuGetPassword { get; } = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NUGET_PASSWORD") ?? string.Empty;
[Solution] readonly Solution Solution;
[GitRepository] readonly GitRepository GitRepository;
[GitVersion(NoFetch = true)] readonly GitVersion GitVersion;
GitLab CI => GitLab.Instance;
AbsolutePath SourceDirectory => RootDirectory / "src";
AbsolutePath TestsDirectory => RootDirectory / "tests";
AbsolutePath ArtifactsDirectory => RootDirectory / "artifacts";
Target Clean => _ => _
.Executes(() =>
SourceDirectory.GlobDirectories("**/bin", "**/obj").ForEach(DeleteDirectory);
TestsDirectory.GlobDirectories("**/bin", "**/obj").ForEach(DeleteDirectory);
Target Restore => _ => _
.Executes(() =>
DotNetRestore(s => s
Target Compile => _ => _
.Executes(() =>
DotNetBuild(s => s
Target Format => _ => _
.Executes(() => DotNet(CI == null ? "format --no-restore" : "format --no-restore --verify-no-changes"));
Target Test => _ => _
.DependsOn(Compile, Format)
.Executes(() => DotNetTest(s => s
Target AddNugetSource => _ => _
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => GitRepository.IsOnMainBranch())
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => CI != null)
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NuGetUsername) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NuGetPassword))
.Executes(() => DotNetNuGetAddSource(s => s
Target Pack => _ => _
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => GitRepository.IsOnMainBranch())
.Executes(() => SourceDirectory
.ForEach(csproj => DotNetPack(s => s
Target NuGetPush => _ => _
.DependsOn(Pack, AddNugetSource)
.OnlyWhenStatic(() => GitRepository.IsOnMainBranch())
.Executes(() => ArtifactsDirectory
.ForEach(nupkg => DotNetNuGetPush(s => s