--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: default trigger: event: - push - pull_request - tag steps: - name: Setup image: docker.io/golang:1.20-alpine network_mode: host commands: - go mod download - go run github.com/magefile/mage -d build -w . generate volumes: - name: go-cache path: /go - name: Lint image: docker.io/golangci/golangci-lint:latest environment: CGO_ENABLED: "0" GOMEMLIMIT: "1150MiB" NITTER_BASE_ADDRESS: https://code.icb4dc0.de NITTER_TOKEN: from_secret: nitter_token commands: - go run github.com/magefile/mage -d build -w . lint depends_on: - Setup volumes: - name: go-cache path: /go - name: Test # has to be debian based for gcc image: docker.io/golang:1.20-bullseye network_mode: host environment: CGO_ENABLED: "1" commands: - go install gotest.tools/gotestsum@latest - gotestsum --junitfile out/results.xml --format pkgname-and-test-fails -- -race -shuffle=on ./... depends_on: - Setup volumes: - name: go-cache path: /go - name: junit-reports image: ghcr.io/rohit-gohri/drone-junit:v0 settings: paths: out/results.xml depends_on: - Test - name: Release image: ghcr.io/goreleaser/goreleaser network_mode: host environment: CGO_ENABLED: "0" GITEA_TOKEN: from_secret: gitea_token commands: - git fetch --tags - docker login code.icb4dc0.de -u prskr -p "$${GITEA_TOKEN}" - go run github.com/magefile/mage -d build -w . release depends_on: - Lint - Test volumes: - name: go-cache path: /go volumes: - name: go-cache temp: { } --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: housekeeping trigger: event: - cron cron: - housekeeping steps: - name: Renovate image: code.icb4dc0.de/prskr/ci-images/renovate:latest commands: - renovate "${DRONE_REPO}" environment: RENOVATE_TOKEN: from_secret: gitea_token GITHUB_COM_TOKEN: from_secret: github_token RENOVATE_PLATFORM: gitea RENOVATE_AUTODISCOVER: "false" RENOVATE_ENDPOINT: https://code.icb4dc0.de/api/v1 LOG_LEVEL: info