apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: supabase-demo-credentials stringData: url: postgresql://supabase_admin:1n1t-R00t!@cluster-example-rw.supabase-demo:5432/app --- apiVersion: supabase.k8s.icb4dc0.de/v1alpha1 kind: Core metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: supabase-operator app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kustomize name: core-sample spec: # public URL of the Supabase instance (API) # normally the Ingress/HTTPRoute endpoint externalUrl: http://localhost:8000/ # public URL of the frontend # could be the same as the externalUrl if you're using one Ingress/HTTPRoute for both # or a different one if you prefer to separate API and frontend URLs # will be used by Supabase Auth to redirect users after login siteUrl: http://localhost:3000/ database: dsnSecretRef: name: supabase-demo-credentials key: url auth: disableSignup: false enableEmailAutoconfirm: true providers: {} postgrest: maxRows: 1000 jwt: expiry: 3600 # name of the secret containing the JWT secret # will be created if not found, make sure to refernce this secret in the APIGateway, Dashboard and Storage secretName: core-sample-jwt