Copyright 2025 Peter Kurfer.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package v1alpha1

import (
	. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"

	supabasev1alpha1 "code.icb4dc0.de/prskr/supabase-operator/api/v1alpha1"
	// TODO (user): Add any additional imports if needed

var _ = Describe("APIGateway Webhook", func() {
	var (
		obj       *supabasev1alpha1.APIGateway
		oldObj    *supabasev1alpha1.APIGateway
		validator APIGatewayCustomValidator
		defaulter APIGatewayCustomDefaulter

	BeforeEach(func() {
		obj = &supabasev1alpha1.APIGateway{}
		oldObj = &supabasev1alpha1.APIGateway{}
		validator = APIGatewayCustomValidator{}
		Expect(validator).NotTo(BeNil(), "Expected validator to be initialized")
		defaulter = APIGatewayCustomDefaulter{}
		Expect(defaulter).NotTo(BeNil(), "Expected defaulter to be initialized")
		Expect(oldObj).NotTo(BeNil(), "Expected oldObj to be initialized")
		Expect(obj).NotTo(BeNil(), "Expected obj to be initialized")
		// TODO (user): Add any setup logic common to all tests

	AfterEach(func() {
		// TODO (user): Add any teardown logic common to all tests

	Context("When creating APIGateway under Defaulting Webhook", func() {
		// TODO (user): Add logic for defaulting webhooks
		// Example:
		// It("Should apply defaults when a required field is empty", func() {
		//     By("simulating a scenario where defaults should be applied")
		//     obj.SomeFieldWithDefault = ""
		//     By("calling the Default method to apply defaults")
		//     defaulter.Default(ctx, obj)
		//     By("checking that the default values are set")
		//     Expect(obj.SomeFieldWithDefault).To(Equal("default_value"))
		// })

	Context("When creating or updating APIGateway under Validating Webhook", func() {
		// TODO (user): Add logic for validating webhooks
		// Example:
		// It("Should deny creation if a required field is missing", func() {
		//     By("simulating an invalid creation scenario")
		//     obj.SomeRequiredField = ""
		//     Expect(validator.ValidateCreate(ctx, obj)).Error().To(HaveOccurred())
		// })
		// It("Should admit creation if all required fields are present", func() {
		//     By("simulating an invalid creation scenario")
		//     obj.SomeRequiredField = "valid_value"
		//     Expect(validator.ValidateCreate(ctx, obj)).To(BeNil())
		// })
		// It("Should validate updates correctly", func() {
		//     By("simulating a valid update scenario")
		//     oldObj.SomeRequiredField = "updated_value"
		//     obj.SomeRequiredField = "updated_value"
		//     Expect(validator.ValidateUpdate(ctx, oldObj, obj)).To(BeNil())
		// })