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# API Reference
## Packages
- [](#supabasek8sicb4dc0dev1alpha1)
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the supabase v1alpha1 API group.
### Resource Types
- [APIGateway](#apigateway)
- [APIGatewayList](#apigatewaylist)
- [Core](#core)
- [CoreList](#corelist)
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- [Dashboard](#dashboard)
- [DashboardList](#dashboardlist)
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- [Storage](#storage)
- [StorageList](#storagelist)
#### APIGateway
APIGateway is the Schema for the apigateways API.
_Appears in:_
- [APIGatewayList](#apigatewaylist)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `APIGateway` | | |
| `metadata` _[ObjectMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `spec` _[APIGatewaySpec](#apigatewayspec)_ | | | |
#### APIGatewayList
APIGatewayList contains a list of APIGateway.
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `APIGatewayList` | | |
| `metadata` _[ListMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `items` _[APIGateway](#apigateway) array_ | | | |
#### APIGatewaySpec
APIGatewaySpec defines the desired state of APIGateway.
_Appears in:_
- [APIGateway](#apigateway)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `envoy` _[EnvoySpec](#envoyspec)_ | Envoy - configure the envoy instance and most importantly the control-plane | | |
| `apiEndpoint` _[ApiEndpointSpec](#apiendpointspec)_ | ApiEndpoint - Configure the endpoint for all API routes<br />this includes the JWT configuration | | |
| `dashboardEndpoint` _[DashboardEndpointSpec](#dashboardendpointspec)_ | DashboardEndpoint - Configure the endpoint for the Supabase dashboard (studio)<br />this includes optional authentication (basic or Oauth2) for the dashboard | | |
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| `serviceSelector` _[LabelSelector]( | ServiceSelector - selector to match all Supabase services (or in fact EndpointSlices) that should be considered for this APIGateway | \{ matchExpressions:[map[ operator:In values:[supabase]] map[ operator:Exists]] \} | |
| `componentTypeLabel` _string_ | ComponentTypeLabel - Label to identify which Supabase component a Service represents (e.g. auth, postgrest, ...) | | |
#### ApiEndpointSpec
_Appears in:_
- [APIGatewaySpec](#apigatewayspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `jwks` _[SecretKeySelector]( | JWKSSelector - selector where the JWKS can be retrieved from to enable the API gateway to validate JWTs | | |
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| `tls` _[EndpointTlsSpec](#endpointtlsspec)_ | TLS - enable and configure TLS for the API endpoint | | |
#### AuthProviderMeta
_Appears in:_
- [AzureAuthProvider](#azureauthprovider)
- [EmailAuthProvider](#emailauthprovider)
- [GithubAuthProvider](#githubauthprovider)
- [PhoneAuthProvider](#phoneauthprovider)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `enabled` _boolean_ | Enabled - whether the authentication provider is enabled or not | | |
#### AuthProviders
_Appears in:_
- [AuthSpec](#authspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `email` _[EmailAuthProvider](#emailauthprovider)_ | | | |
| `azure` _[AzureAuthProvider](#azureauthprovider)_ | | | |
| `github` _[GithubAuthProvider](#githubauthprovider)_ | | | |
| `phone` _[PhoneAuthProvider](#phoneauthprovider)_ | | | |
#### AuthSpec
_Appears in:_
- [CoreSpec](#corespec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `additionalRedirectUrls` _string array_ | | | |
| `disableSignup` _boolean_ | | | |
| `anonymousUsersEnabled` _boolean_ | | | |
| `providers` _[AuthProviders](#authproviders)_ | | | |
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| `workloadTemplate` _[WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)_ | | | |
| `emailSignupDisabled` _boolean_ | | | |
#### AzureAuthProvider
_Appears in:_
- [AuthProviders](#authproviders)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `enabled` _boolean_ | Enabled - whether the authentication provider is enabled or not | | |
| `clientID` _string_ | | | |
| `clientSecretRef` _[SecretKeySelector]( | | | |
| `url` _string_ | | | |
#### ContainerTemplate
_Appears in:_
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- [WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `image` _string_ | | | |
| `pullPolicy` _[PullPolicy]( | | | |
| `imagePullSecrets` _[LocalObjectReference]( array_ | | | |
| `securityContext` _[SecurityContext]( | SecurityContext - override the container SecurityContext<br />use with caution, by default the operator already uses sane defaults | | |
| `resources` _[ResourceRequirements]( | | | |
| `volumeMounts` _[VolumeMount]( array_ | | | |
| `additionalEnv` _[EnvVar]( array_ | | | |
#### ControlPlaneSpec
_Appears in:_
- [EnvoySpec](#envoyspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `host` _string_ | Host is the hostname of the envoy control plane endpoint | | |
| `port` _integer_ | Port is the port number of the envoy control plane endpoint - typically this is 18000 | 18000 | Maximum: 65535 <br /> |
#### Core
Core is the Schema for the cores API.
_Appears in:_
- [CoreList](#corelist)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `Core` | | |
| `metadata` _[ObjectMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `spec` _[CoreSpec](#corespec)_ | | | |
#### CoreJwtSpec
_Appears in:_
- [CoreSpec](#corespec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `secretName` _string_ | SecretRef - object reference to the Secret where JWT values are stored | | |
| `secretKey` _string_ | SecretKey - key in secret where to read the JWT HMAC secret from | secret | |
| `jwksKey` _string_ | JwksKey - key in secret where to read the JWKS from | jwks.json | |
| `anonKey` _string_ | AnonKey - key in secret where to read the anon JWT from | anon_key | |
| `serviceKey` _string_ | ServiceKey - key in secret where to read the service JWT from | service_key | |
| `secret` _string_ | Secret - JWT HMAC secret in plain text<br />This is WRITE-ONLY and will be copied to the SecretRef by the defaulter | | |
| `expiry` _integer_ | Expiry - expiration time in seconds for JWTs | 3600 | |
#### CoreList
CoreList contains a list of Core.
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `CoreList` | | |
| `metadata` _[ListMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `items` _[Core](#core) array_ | | | |
#### CoreSpec
CoreSpec defines the desired state of Core.
_Appears in:_
- [Core](#core)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `externalUrl` _string_ | APIExternalURL is referring to the URL where Supabase API will be available<br />Typically this is the ingress of the API gateway | | |
| `siteUrl` _string_ | SiteURL is referring to the URL of the (frontend) application<br />In most Kubernetes scenarios this is the same as the APIExternalURL with a different path handler in the ingress | | |
| `jwt` _[CoreJwtSpec](#corejwtspec)_ | | | |
| `database` _[Database](#database)_ | | | |
| `postgrest` _[PostgrestSpec](#postgrestspec)_ | | | |
| `auth` _[AuthSpec](#authspec)_ | | | |
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#### Dashboard
Dashboard is the Schema for the dashboards API.
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardList](#dashboardlist)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `Dashboard` | | |
| `metadata` _[ObjectMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `spec` _[DashboardSpec](#dashboardspec)_ | | | |
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#### DashboardAuthSpec
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardEndpointSpec](#dashboardendpointspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `oauth2` _[DashboardOAuth2Spec](#dashboardoauth2spec)_ | OAuth2 - configure oauth2 authentication for the dashhboard listener<br />if configured, will be preferred over Basic authentication configuration<br />effectively disabling basic auth | | |
| `basic` _[DashboardBasicAuthSpec](#dashboardbasicauthspec)_ | Basic - HTTP basic auth configuration, this should only be used in exceptions<br />e.g. during evaluations or for local development<br />only used if no other authentication is configured | | |
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#### DashboardBasicAuthSpec
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardAuthSpec](#dashboardauthspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `usersInline` _string array_ | UsersInline - [htpasswd format]( | | items:Pattern: ^[\w_.]+:\\{SHA\\}[A-z0-9]+=*$ <br /> |
| `plaintextUsersSecretRef` _string_ | PlaintextUsersSecretRef - name of a secret that contains plaintext credentials in key-value form<br />if not empty, credentials will be merged with inline users | | |
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#### DashboardDbSpec
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardSpec](#dashboardspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `host` _string_ | | | |
| `port` _integer_ | Port - Database port, typically 5432 | 5432 | |
| `dbName` _string_ | | | |
| `dbCredentialsRef` _[DbCredentialsReference](#dbcredentialsreference)_ | DBCredentialsRef - reference to a Secret key where the DB credentials can be retrieved from<br />Credentials need to be stored in basic auth form | | |
#### DashboardEndpointSpec
_Appears in:_
- [APIGatewaySpec](#apigatewayspec)
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| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `auth` _[DashboardAuthSpec](#dashboardauthspec)_ | Auth - configure authentication for the dashboard endpoint | | |
| `tls` _[EndpointTlsSpec](#endpointtlsspec)_ | TLS - enable and configure TLS for the Dashboard endpoint | | |
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#### DashboardList
DashboardList contains a list of Dashboard.
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `DashboardList` | | |
| `metadata` _[ListMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `items` _[Dashboard](#dashboard) array_ | | | |
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#### DashboardOAuth2Spec
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardAuthSpec](#dashboardauthspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `openIdIssuer` _string_ | OpenIDIssuer - if set the defaulter will fetch the discovery document and fill<br />TokenEndpoint and AuthorizationEndpoint based on the discovery document | | |
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| `tokenEndpoint` _string_ | TokenEndpoint - endpoint where Envoy will retrieve the OAuth2 access and identity token from | | |
| `authorizationEndpoint` _string_ | AuthorizationEndpoint - endpoint where the user will be redirected to authenticate | | |
| `clientId` _string_ | ClientID - client ID to authenticate with the OAuth2 provider | | |
| `scopes` _string array_ | Scopes - scopes to request from the OAuth2 provider (e.g. "openid", "profile", ...) - optional | | |
| `resources` _string array_ | Resources - resources to request from the OAuth2 provider (e.g. "user", "email", ...) - optional | | |
| `clientSecretRef` _[SecretKeySelector]( | ClientSecretRef - reference to the secret that contains the client secret | | |
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#### DashboardSpec
DashboardSpec defines the desired state of Dashboard.
_Appears in:_
- [Dashboard](#dashboard)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `db` _[DashboardDbSpec](#dashboarddbspec)_ | | | |
| `pgMeta` _[PGMetaSpec](#pgmetaspec)_ | PGMeta | | |
| `studio` _[StudioSpec](#studiospec)_ | Studio | | |
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#### Database
_Appears in:_
- [CoreSpec](#corespec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `dsn` _string_ | | | |
| `dsnSecretRef` _[SecretKeySelector]( | | | |
| `roles` _[DatabaseRoles](#databaseroles)_ | | | |
#### DatabaseRoles
_Appears in:_
- [Database](#database)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `selfManaged` _boolean_ | SelfManaged - whether the database roles are managed externally<br />when enabled the operator does not attempt to create secrets, generate passwords or whatsoever for all database roles<br />i.e. all secrets need to be provided or the instance won't work | | |
| `secrets` _[DatabaseRolesSecrets](#databaserolessecrets)_ | Secrets - typed 'map' of secrets for each database role that Supabase needs | | |
#### DatabaseRolesSecrets
_Appears in:_
- [DatabaseRoles](#databaseroles)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `supabaseAdmin` _string_ | | | |
| `authenticator` _string_ | | | |
| `supabaseAuthAdmin` _string_ | | | |
| `supabaseFunctionsAdmin` _string_ | | | |
| `supabaseStorageAdmin` _string_ | | | |
#### DatabaseStatus
_Appears in:_
- [CoreStatus](#corestatus)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `migrationConditions` _[MigrationScriptCondition](#migrationscriptcondition) array_ | | | |
| `roles` _object (keys:string, values:integer array)_ | | | |
#### DbCredentialsReference
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardDbSpec](#dashboarddbspec)
- [StorageApiDbSpec](#storageapidbspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `secretName` _string_ | | | |
| `usernameKey` _string_ | UsernameKey | username | |
| `passwordKey` _string_ | PasswordKey | password | |
#### EmailAuthProvider
_Appears in:_
- [AuthProviders](#authproviders)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `enabled` _boolean_ | Enabled - whether the authentication provider is enabled or not | | |
| `adminEmail` _string_ | | | |
| `senderName` _string_ | | | |
| `autoconfirmEmail` _boolean_ | | | |
| `subjectsInvite` _string_ | | | |
| `subjectsConfirmation` _string_ | | | |
| `smtpSpec` _[EmailAuthSmtpSpec](#emailauthsmtpspec)_ | | | |
#### EmailAuthSmtpSpec
_Appears in:_
- [EmailAuthProvider](#emailauthprovider)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `host` _string_ | | | |
| `port` _integer_ | | | |
| `maxFrequency` _integer_ | | | |
| `credentialsRef` _[SmtpCredentialsReference](#smtpcredentialsreference)_ | | | |
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#### EndpointTlsSpec
_Appears in:_
- [ApiEndpointSpec](#apiendpointspec)
- [DashboardEndpointSpec](#dashboardendpointspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `cert` _[TlsCertRef](#tlscertref)_ | | | |
#### EnvoyComponentLogLevel
_Appears in:_
- [EnvoyDebuggingOptions](#envoydebuggingoptions)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `component` _string_ | Component - the component to set the log level for<br />the component IDs can be found [here]( | | |
| `level` _[EnvoyLogLevel](#envoyloglevel)_ | Level - the log level to set for the component | | Enum: [trace debug info warning error critical off] <br /> |
#### EnvoyDebuggingOptions
_Appears in:_
- [EnvoySpec](#envoyspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `componentLogLevels` _[EnvoyComponentLogLevel](#envoycomponentloglevel) array_ | | | |
#### EnvoyLogLevel
_Underlying type:_ _string_
_Appears in:_
- [EnvoyComponentLogLevel](#envoycomponentloglevel)
#### EnvoySpec
_Appears in:_
- [APIGatewaySpec](#apigatewayspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
2025-01-20 17:10:39 +01:00
| `nodeName` _string_ | NodeName - identifies the Envoy cluster within the current namespace<br />if not set, the name of the APIGateway resource will be used<br />The primary use case is to make the assignment of multiple supabase instances in a single namespace explicit. | | |
| `controlPlane` _[ControlPlaneSpec](#controlplanespec)_ | ControlPlane - configure the control plane where Envoy will retrieve its configuration from | | |
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| `workloadSpec` _[WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)_ | WorkloadTemplate - customize the Envoy deployment | | |
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| `disableIPv6` _boolean_ | DisableIPv6 - disable IPv6 for the Envoy instance<br />this will force Envoy to use IPv4 for upstream hosts (mostly for the OAuth2 token endpoint) | | |
| `debugging` _[EnvoyDebuggingOptions](#envoydebuggingoptions)_ | | | |
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#### EnvoyStatus
_Appears in:_
- [APIGatewayStatus](#apigatewaystatus)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `resourceHash` _integer array_ | | | |
#### FileBackendSpec
_Appears in:_
- [StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `path` _string_ | Path - path to where files will be stored | | |
#### GithubAuthProvider
_Appears in:_
- [AuthProviders](#authproviders)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `enabled` _boolean_ | Enabled - whether the authentication provider is enabled or not | | |
| `clientID` _string_ | | | |
| `clientSecretRef` _[SecretKeySelector]( | | | |
| `url` _string_ | | | |
#### ImageProxySpec
_Appears in:_
- [StorageSpec](#storagespec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `enable` _boolean_ | Enable - whether to deploy the image proxy or not | | |
| `enableWebPDetection` _boolean_ | | | |
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| `workloadSpec` _[WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)_ | WorkloadTemplate - customize the image proxy workload | | |
#### ImageSpec
_Appears in:_
- [ContainerTemplate](#containertemplate)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `image` _string_ | | | |
| `pullPolicy` _[PullPolicy]( | | | |
#### JwtSpec
_Appears in:_
- [CoreJwtSpec](#corejwtspec)
- [StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)
- [StudioSpec](#studiospec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `secretName` _string_ | SecretRef - object reference to the Secret where JWT values are stored | | |
| `secretKey` _string_ | SecretKey - key in secret where to read the JWT HMAC secret from | secret | |
| `jwksKey` _string_ | JwksKey - key in secret where to read the JWKS from | jwks.json | |
| `anonKey` _string_ | AnonKey - key in secret where to read the anon JWT from | anon_key | |
| `serviceKey` _string_ | ServiceKey - key in secret where to read the service JWT from | service_key | |
#### MigrationScriptCondition
_Appears in:_
- [DatabaseStatus](#databasestatus)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` _string_ | Name - file name of the migration script | | |
| `hash` _integer array_ | Hash - SHA256 hash of the script when it was last successfully applied | | |
| `lastProbeTime` _[Time]( | LastProbeTime - last time the operator tried to execute the migration script | | |
| `lastTransitionTime` _[Time]( | LastTransitionTime - last time the condition transitioned from one status to another | | |
| `reason` _string_ | Reason - one-word, CamcelCase reason for the condition's last transition | | |
| `message` _string_ | Message - human-readable message indicating details about the last transition | | |
#### OAuthProvider
_Appears in:_
- [AzureAuthProvider](#azureauthprovider)
- [GithubAuthProvider](#githubauthprovider)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `clientID` _string_ | | | |
| `clientSecretRef` _[SecretKeySelector]( | | | |
| `url` _string_ | | | |
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#### PGMetaSpec
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardSpec](#dashboardspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
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| `workloadSpec` _[WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)_ | WorkloadTemplate - customize the pg-meta deployment | | |
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#### PhoneAuthProvider
_Appears in:_
- [AuthProviders](#authproviders)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `enabled` _boolean_ | Enabled - whether the authentication provider is enabled or not | | |
#### PostgrestSpec
_Appears in:_
- [CoreSpec](#corespec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
2025-01-04 17:22:41 +01:00
| `schemas` _string array_ | Schemas - schema where PostgREST is looking for objects (tables, views, functions, ...) | [public graphql_public] | |
| `extraSearchPath` _string array_ | ExtraSearchPath - Extra schemas to add to the search_path of every request.<br />These schemas tables, views and functions dont get API endpoints, they can only be referred from the database objects inside your db-schemas. | [public extensions] | |
| `anonRole` _string_ | AnonRole - name of the anon role | anon | |
| `maxRows` _integer_ | MaxRows - maximum number of rows PostgREST will load at a time | 1000 | |
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| `workloadSpec` _[WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)_ | WorkloadSpec - customize the PostgREST workload | | |
#### S3BackendSpec
_Appears in:_
- [StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `region` _string_ | Region - S3 region of the backend | | |
| `endpoint` _string_ | Endpoint - hostname and port **with** http/https | | |
| `forcePathStyle` _boolean_ | ForcePathStyle - whether to use path style (e.g. for MinIO) or domain style<br />for bucket addressing | | |
| `bucket` _string_ | Bucket - bucke to use, if file backend is used, default value is sufficient | stub | |
| `credentialsSecretRef` _[S3CredentialsRef](#s3credentialsref)_ | CredentialsSecretRef - reference to the Secret where access key id and access secret key are stored | | |
#### S3CredentialsRef
_Appears in:_
- [S3BackendSpec](#s3backendspec)
- [S3ProtocolSpec](#s3protocolspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `secretName` _string_ | | | |
| `accessKeyIdKey` _string_ | AccessKeyIdKey - key in Secret where access key id will be referenced from | accessKeyId | |
| `accessSecretKeyKey` _string_ | AccessSecretKeyKey - key in Secret where access secret key will be referenced from | secretAccessKey | |
#### S3ProtocolSpec
_Appears in:_
- [StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `allowForwardedHeader` _boolean_ | AllowForwardedHeader | true | |
| `credentialsSecretRef` _[S3CredentialsRef](#s3credentialsref)_ | CredentialsSecretRef - reference to the Secret where access key id and access secret key are stored | | |
#### SmtpCredentialsReference
_Appears in:_
- [EmailAuthSmtpSpec](#emailauthsmtpspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `secretName` _string_ | | | |
| `usernameKey` _string_ | UsernameKey | username | |
| `passwordKey` _string_ | PasswordKey | password | |
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#### Storage
Storage is the Schema for the storages API.
_Appears in:_
- [StorageList](#storagelist)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `Storage` | | |
| `metadata` _[ObjectMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `spec` _[StorageSpec](#storagespec)_ | | | |
#### StorageApiDbSpec
_Appears in:_
- [StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `host` _string_ | | | |
| `port` _integer_ | Port - Database port, typically 5432 | 5432 | |
| `dbName` _string_ | | | |
| `dbCredentialsRef` _[DbCredentialsReference](#dbcredentialsreference)_ | DBCredentialsRef - reference to a Secret key where the DB credentials can be retrieved from<br />Credentials need to be stored in basic auth form | | |
#### StorageApiSpec
_Appears in:_
- [StorageSpec](#storagespec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `s3Backend` _[S3BackendSpec](#s3backendspec)_ | | | |
| `fileBackend` _[FileBackendSpec](#filebackendspec)_ | FileBackend - configure the file backend<br />either S3 or file backend **MUST** be configured | | |
| `fileSizeLimit` _integer_ | FileSizeLimit - maximum file upload size in bytes | 52428800 | |
| `jwtAuth` _[JwtSpec](#jwtspec)_ | JwtAuth - Configure the JWT authentication parameters.<br />This includes where to retrieve anon and service key from as well as JWT secret and JWKS references<br />needed to validate JWTs send to the API | | |
| `db` _[StorageApiDbSpec](#storageapidbspec)_ | DBSpec - Configure access to the Postgres database<br />In most cases this will reference the supabase-storage-admin credentials secret provided by the Core resource | | |
| `s3` _[S3ProtocolSpec](#s3protocolspec)_ | S3Protocol - Configure S3 access to the Storage API allowing clients to use any S3 client | | |
| `uploadTemp` _[UploadTempSpec](#uploadtempspec)_ | UploadTemp - configure the emptyDir for storing intermediate files during uploads | | |
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| `workloadSpec` _[WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)_ | WorkloadTemplate - customize the Storage API workload | | |
2025-01-20 17:10:39 +01:00
#### StorageList
StorageList contains a list of Storage.
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `apiVersion` _string_ | `` | | |
| `kind` _string_ | `StorageList` | | |
| `metadata` _[ListMeta]( | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`. | | |
| `items` _[Storage](#storage) array_ | | | |
#### StorageSpec
StorageSpec defines the desired state of Storage.
_Appears in:_
- [Storage](#storage)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `api` _[StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)_ | Api - configure the Storage API | | |
| `imageProxy` _[ImageProxySpec](#imageproxyspec)_ | ImageProxy - optionally enable and configure the image proxy<br />the image proxy scale images to lower resolutions on demand to reduce traffic for instance for mobile devices | | |
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2025-01-04 17:22:41 +01:00
#### StudioSpec
_Appears in:_
- [DashboardSpec](#dashboardspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `jwt` _[JwtSpec](#jwtspec)_ | | | |
2025-02-12 08:20:01 +01:00
| `workloadSpec` _[WorkloadSpec](#workloadspec)_ | WorkloadTemplate - customize the studio deployment | | |
| `gatewayServiceSelector` _object (keys:string, values:string)_ | GatewayServiceSelector - selector to find the service for the API gateway<br />Required to configure the API URL in the studio deployment<br />If you don't run multiple APIGateway instances in the same namespaces, the default will be fine | \{ \} | |
| `externalUrl` _string_ | APIExternalURL is referring to the URL where Supabase API will be available<br />Typically this is the ingress of the API gateway | | |
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2025-02-03 16:09:47 +01:00
#### TlsCertRef
_Appears in:_
- [EndpointTlsSpec](#endpointtlsspec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `secretName` _string_ | | | |
| `serverCertKey` _string_ | ServerCertKey - key in the secret that contains the server certificate | tls.crt | |
| `serverKeyKey` _string_ | ServerKeyKey - key in the secret that contains the server private key | tls.key | |
| `caCertKey` _string_ | CaCertKey - key in the secret that contains the CA certificate | ca.crt | |
#### UploadTempSpec
_Appears in:_
- [StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `medium` _[StorageMedium]( | Medium of the empty dir to cache uploads | | |
| `sizeLimit` _[Quantity]( | | | |
2025-02-12 08:20:01 +01:00
#### WorkloadSpec
_Appears in:_
- [AuthSpec](#authspec)
- [EnvoySpec](#envoyspec)
- [ImageProxySpec](#imageproxyspec)
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- [PGMetaSpec](#pgmetaspec)
- [PostgrestSpec](#postgrestspec)
- [StorageApiSpec](#storageapispec)
2025-01-04 17:22:41 +01:00
- [StudioSpec](#studiospec)
| Field | Description | Default | Validation |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `replicas` _integer_ | | | |
| `securityContext` _[PodSecurityContext]( | | | |
| `additionalLabels` _object (keys:string, values:string)_ | | | |
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| `container` _[ContainerTemplate](#containertemplate)_ | ContainerSpec - customize the container template of the workload | | |
| `additionalVolumes` _[Volume]( array_ | | | |