Peter Kurfer 647f602c79
Some checks failed
Lint / Run on Ubuntu (push) Failing after 2m58s
E2E Tests / Run on Ubuntu (push) Failing after 4m18s
Tests / Run on Ubuntu (push) Failing after 2m39s
feat: basic functionality implemented
- added Core CRD to manage DB migrations & configuration, PostgREST and
  GoTrue (auth)
- added APIGateway CRD to manage Envoy proxy
- added Dashboard CRD to manage (so far) pg-meta and (soon) studio
- implemented basic Envoy control plane based on K8s watcher
2025-01-04 17:07:49 +01:00

255 lines
7.6 KiB

Copyright 2024 Peter Kurfer.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package controller
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
ctrl ""
supabasev1alpha1 ""
// CoreDbReconciler reconciles a Core object
type CoreDbReconciler struct {
Scheme *runtime.Scheme
func (r *CoreDbReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (res ctrl.Result, err error) {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
var core supabasev1alpha1.Core
if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &core); client.IgnoreNotFound(err) != nil {
logger.Error(err, "unable to fetch Core")
return ctrl.Result{}, err
dsn, err := core.Spec.Database.GetDSN(ctx, client.NewNamespacedClient(r.Client, req.Namespace))
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "unable to get DSN")
return ctrl.Result{}, err
logger.Info("Connecting to database")
conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, dsn)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "unable to connect to database")
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: 30 * time.Second}, nil
defer CloseCtx(ctx, conn, &err)
logger.Info("Connected to database, checking for outstanding migrations")
if err := r.applyMissingMigrations(ctx, conn, &core); err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
logger.Info("Sync credentials for Supabase roles")
if err := r.ensureDbRolesSecrets(ctx, dsn, conn, &core); err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
// SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager.
func (r *CoreDbReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
func (r *CoreDbReconciler) applyMissingMigrations(
ctx context.Context,
conn *pgx.Conn,
core *supabasev1alpha1.Core,
) (err error) {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
migrator := db.Migrator{Conn: conn}
var appliedSomething bool
if core.Status.Database.AppliedMigrations == nil {
core.Status.Database.AppliedMigrations = make(supabasev1alpha1.MigrationStatus)
if appliedSomething, err = migrator.ApplyAll(ctx, core.Status.Database.AppliedMigrations, migrations.InitScripts()); err != nil {
return err
if appliedSomething {
logger.Info("Updating status after applying init scripts")
return r.Client.Status().Update(ctx, core)
} else {
logger.Info("Init scripts were up to date - did not run any")
if appliedSomething, err = migrator.ApplyAll(ctx, core.Status.Database.AppliedMigrations, migrations.MigrationScripts()); err != nil {
return err
if appliedSomething {
logger.Info("Updating status after applying migration scripts")
return r.Client.Status().Update(ctx, core)
} else {
logger.Info("Migrrations were up to date - did not run any")
return nil
func (r *CoreDbReconciler) ensureDbRolesSecrets(
ctx context.Context,
dsn string,
conn *pgx.Conn,
core *supabasev1alpha1.Core,
) error {
var (
logger = log.FromContext(ctx)
rolesMgr = db.NewRolesManager(conn)
dbSpec := core.Spec.Database
if dbSpec.Roles.SelfManaged {
logger.Info("Database roles are self-managed, skipping reconciliation")
return nil
parsedDSN, err := url.Parse(dsn)
if err != nil {
return err
var (
dsnUser = parsedDSN.User.Username()
dsnPW, _ = parsedDSN.User.Password()
roles := map[string]supabase.DBRole{
dbSpec.Roles.Secrets.Authenticator.Name: supabase.DBRoleAuthenticator,
dbSpec.Roles.Secrets.AuthAdmin.Name: supabase.DBRoleAuthAdmin,
dbSpec.Roles.Secrets.FunctionsAdmin.Name: supabase.DBRoleFunctionsAdmin,
dbSpec.Roles.Secrets.StorageAdmin.Name: supabase.DBRoleStorageAdmin,
dbSpec.Roles.Secrets.Admin.Name: supabase.DBRoleSupabaseAdmin,
if core.Status.Database.Roles == nil {
core.Status.Database.Roles = make(map[string][]byte)
hash := sha256.New()
for secretName, role := range roles {
secretLogger := logger.WithValues("secret_name", secretName, "role_name", role.String())
secretLogger.Info("Ensuring credential secret")
credentialsSecret := &corev1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: secretName,
Namespace: core.Namespace,
_, err := controllerutil.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, credentialsSecret, func() error {
logger.Info("Ensuring role credentials", "role_name", role.String())
credentialsSecret.Labels = maps.Clone(core.Labels)
if credentialsSecret.Labels == nil {
credentialsSecret.Labels = make(map[string]string)
credentialsSecret.Labels[meta.SupabaseLabel.Reload] = ""
if credentialsSecret.Data == nil {
credentialsSecret.Data = make(map[string][]byte)
if _, ok := credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthUsernameKey]; !ok {
credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthUsernameKey] = role.Bytes()
var requireStatusUpdate bool
if value := credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey]; len(value) == 0 || (role.String() == dsnUser && !bytes.Equal(credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey], []byte(dsnPW))) {
if role.String() == dsnUser {
credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey] = []byte(dsnPW)
} else {
credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey] = GeneratePW(24, nil)
secretLogger.Info("Update database role to match secret credentials")
if err := rolesMgr.UpdateRolePassword(ctx, role.String(), credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey]); err != nil {
return err
core.Status.Database.Roles[role.String()] = hash.Sum(credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey])
requireStatusUpdate = true
} else {
if bytes.Equal(core.Status.Database.Roles[role.String()], hash.Sum(credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey])) {
logger.Info("Role password is up to date", "role_name", role.String())
} else {
if err := rolesMgr.UpdateRolePassword(ctx, role.String(), credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey]); err != nil {
return err
requireStatusUpdate = true
core.Status.Database.Roles[role.String()] = hash.Sum(credentialsSecret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey])
credentialsSecret.Type = corev1.SecretTypeBasicAuth
if requireStatusUpdate {
secretLogger.Info("Updating status")
if err := r.Status().Update(ctx, core); err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Setting owner reference for credentials secret")
if err := controllerutil.SetControllerReference(core, credentialsSecret, r.Scheme); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil