Peter Kurfer 12090c913a
Some checks failed
E2E Tests / Run on Ubuntu (push) Failing after 20s
Lint / Run on Ubuntu (push) Failing after 3m45s
Tests / Run on Ubuntu (push) Failing after 16m8s
feat(db): prepare migrations and core CRD
2024-12-13 09:09:14 +01:00

8 lines
426 B

-- migrate:up
-- Update future objects' permissions
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE supabase_admin IN SCHEMA realtime GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO postgres, dashboard_user;
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE supabase_admin IN SCHEMA realtime GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCES TO postgres, dashboard_user;
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE supabase_admin IN SCHEMA realtime GRANT ALL ON ROUTINES TO postgres, dashboard_user;
-- migrate:down